Pigeon Proofing Your Property: Protecting Roofs and Solar Panels

Image of pigeons roosting on solar panels on a home.

Pigeons, while often charming urban dwellers, can become a significant nuisance for property owners, particularly when it comes to maintaining clean and functional solar panels and rooftops. Their nesting habits and droppings not only create unsightly messes but can also cause long-term damage to building structures and reduce the efficiency of solar panels. Here’s a guide on how to effectively pigeon-proof your property, including crucial steps to protect your solar installations.

Understanding the Risks

Pigeons are attracted to building ledges, roof spaces, and solar panel arrays for shelter and nesting. Their droppings are acidic and can erode and corrode building materials over time. For solar panel owners, accumulated pigeon droppings and nesting materials can block sunlight and significantly diminish energy production. Furthermore, the moisture from nests and droppings can lead to mold and water damage.

Starting with Prevention

Install Bird Spikes: These are long, needle-like rods used for bird control. They can be attached along ledges, roofs, and even on solar panel edges to prevent pigeons from landing and nesting. Ensure the spikes are of high quality and weather-resistant to avoid frequent replacements.

Use Netting: Placing netting around solar panels or across large roof areas can deter pigeons from accessing potential nesting sites. The net should be robust and securely fixed to outlast environmental wear and tear.

Bird Slopes: Installing slopes on ledges can prevent pigeons from gaining a foothold. These are slippery panels that are angled and positioned in potential roosting spots, making it impossible for pigeons to nest.

Optical Gel Disks: These disks create an optical illusion of fire, which scares pigeons away without causing them harm. They can be strategically placed around roofs and solar panels.

Acoustic Deterrents: Devices that emit sounds unpleasant to pigeons can also be effective, especially when combined with other methods. These can be set to activate when motion is detected.

Regular Maintenance and Cleaning

  • Regular Inspections: Check your roof and solar panel areas regularly for signs of pigeon activity. Early detection can prevent extensive damage and nesting.
  • Clean Regularly: If pigeons have been near your solar panels or roofing, regular cleaning is necessary to remove droppings and nesting materials, which helps maintain the functionality and hygiene of the space.

Professional Help

If pigeon proofing becomes overwhelming, or if the pigeon population around your property is substantial, it’s worth calling the pros at Front Range Pest. Our wildlife control experts can install pigeon deterrents in hard-to-reach areas safely and offer more sophisticated solutions to deter birds.

Legal Considerations

Always ensure that your bird control methods are humane and comply with local wildlife protection laws. Pigeons are protected under wildlife conservation acts in many areas, and certain deterrents may be restricted. At Front Range Pest, we strictly adhere to Colorado and Wyoming state laws for all pest control-related issues.

Protect your property and maintain a clean, healthy environment by effectively pigeon-proofing against nuisance birds. Contact Front Range Pest for an assessment of your situation.

Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

Eliminating Bed Bugs: Expert Solutions for Pest-Free Living

image of a bed bug resting on a blanket.

Contending with pests like bed bugs can cause significant distress and concern. These tiny, blood-sucking insects are infamous for infiltrating homes and businesses, creating discomfort, health risks, and financial damage. Immediate measures are crucial if you suspect a bed bug presence. In this article, we explore how Front Range Pest skillfully and discreetly handles the detection and eradication of bed bugs.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

Despite their knack for hiding, bed bugs leave clear indicators of their presence. Watch for these signs when inspecting your area:

  • Bites: Search for clusters or lines of itchy, red bites on your body, indicative of bed bug bites.
  • Small, Rusty Stains: Notice tiny bloodstains on your sheets or mattress, resulting from their feeding habits.
  • Eggs and Exoskeletons: Check crevices in your mattress, furniture, and walls for tiny, egg-like structures or shed skins.
  • Unusual, Musty Smell: A large infestation may produce a distinct, sweet, musty odor.

Why Choose Front Range Pest for Bed Bug Issues?

Front Range Pest is your dependable ally in discreet and effective bed bug removal. Here’s why our service is superior:

  • Professional Expertise: Our well-trained technicians excel in pinpointing and removing bed bugs, ensuring thorough and effective extermination.
  • Confidential Service: Understanding the sensitivity of bed bug issues, we perform our services discreetly to avoid drawing attention to your premises.
  • Safe, Eco-Friendly Methods: Our treatments are both potent and safe for your family, pets, and the environment, focusing on sustainable practices.
  • Comprehensive Follow-Up: We conduct detailed inspections after treatment to guarantee all bed bugs are eliminated, providing continued peace of mind.

Effective Bed Bug Extermination Strategy

Our proven strategy for tackling bed bug infestations includes:

  • Inspection: We begin with a detailed inspection to assess the infestation’s extent, which informs our treatment approach.
  • Treatment: We apply a combination of heat and chemical treatments, using specialized equipment to eradicate bed bugs throughout their lifecycle.
  • Proactive Measures: We offer advice on preventative measures to help keep your environment bed bug-free.

Bed bugs can quickly turn your living or working space into a source of anxiety and discomfort. Timely intervention is essential to manage a bed bug problem. The experts at Front Range Pest are ready to help you detect and eliminate bed bugs, ensuring the comfort and safety of your space.

Don’t let bed bugs take over your property – reach out to Front Range Pest for effective control solutions today!

Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

Protecting Your Home and Family from Aggressive Stinging Insects in Colorado

Image of wasps feeding on fruit left out from a picnic.

The warm seasons bring sunshine and outdoor fun, but they also bring increased activity from stinging insects like bees, wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets. While these insects play vital roles in the ecosystem, they can pose significant risks to human health and safety, particularly when they nest close to human habitats. Understanding the behavior of these aggressive stingers and taking proactive measures to manage them can help you enjoy the warmer months in peace and safety.

In Colorado, the four main types of stinging insects you’re most likely to encounter are:

Honey Bees – Honey bees are hairy and exhibit an orange or yellow-orange hue, though some may be dark gray. They are generally not aggressive and will only sting to defend their colony. Most stings happen accidentally, such as when someone steps on a bee while barefoot or traps a bee in their clothing. Bees foraging on flowers are not prone to attack and play a crucial role in pollination. They are usually not considered pests. Bees have a barbed stinger that remains embedded in the skin, leaving behind a poison sac and causing the bee to die after stinging.

Wasps – Wasps, including species like paper wasps, are recognized for their distinctive nests made from a paper-like material created from chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva. Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times during an encounter, making them particularly daunting when disturbed. They also serve as important pollinators; though less effective than bees, wasps frequent various plants and contribute to the pollination process.

Yellowjackets – These are a type of ground-nesting wasp that can be very aggressive, especially near food or when their nests are disturbed. They are commonly seen during the later summer and early fall. Yellowjackets are particularly attracted to human food, making outdoor events like picnics and barbecues prime encounters with these bold and defensive insects.

Hornets – Specifically, the bald-faced hornet, which is actually a type of yellowjacket, is noted for its large size and distinctive, white-marked face. Hornets build large, visible nests and can be quite aggressive if their space is infringed upon. Additionally, bald-faced hornets prey on other insects, helping to control pest populations.

Controlling Stinging Insects & Removing Their Nests

Controlling and removing wasp and hornet nests from your property requires careful planning and execution to ensure safety and effectiveness. Before attempting any removal, it’s crucial to correctly identify the species, as this will influence the approach and timing. If the nest is small and relatively accessible, you can use an over-the-counter wasp or hornet spray. These insecticides are designed to be applied from a distance, allowing you to spray the nest from several feet away. Aim to soak the nest thoroughly, preferably at night when wasps and hornets are less active. It’s important to check the nest the following day and reapply if necessary.

For larger nests or those situated in difficult-to-reach areas, or if you’re allergic to stings, it’s safer and more prudent to call Front Range Pest. We have the expertise, equipment, and protective gear needed to manage the removal effectively and minimize the risk of stings. Additionally, we can provide advice on preventing future infestations, such as sealing entry points in your home’s exterior and maintaining a clean environment free of food residues that might attract these insects.

Bees are generally non-aggressive and should be preserved when possible. For hives that are too close for comfort (located near a busy entryway, playground, etc.) contact us or a local beekeeper for rehoming. It’s important to relocate their entire nesting habitat, as any remaining wax combs and honey may damage your home’s structure, but also attract rodents and other insects.

Reducing the Presence of Stinging Insects

Maintain Your Yard: Regular yard maintenance can reduce nesting opportunities for stinging insects. Keep your garden tidy, mow the lawn regularly, and trim bushes and trees away from your home.

Manage Attractants: Be mindful of exposed food during outdoor activities. Cover food containers and dispose of garbage promptly in sealed trash bins to avoid attracting yellowjackets and other pests.

Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for cracks and small openings. Wasps and hornets can create nests in wall cavities or under eaves. Sealing these points can prevent them from establishing nests inside or near your dwelling.

When Stings Happen

Despite all precautions, stings can happen. It’s essential to know how to respond:

  • Remain calm and slowly move away from the area to avoid provoking further stings.
  • Check to see whether the stinger is still in the skin. A bee’s barbed stinger typically remains embedded in the skin, while wasps may only leave their stingers behind if they’re swatted away and the stinger breaks off in the skin. If a stinger is present, remove it with tweezers.
  • Treat the sting site with ice to reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Leave the ice in place for five minutes to reduce blood flow, which helps your body’s defensive action against the venom.
  • Ibuprofen, Benadryl, or acetaminophen can help reduce pain. Apply Calamine lotion to the affected area throughout the day to decrease itching. Scratching the affected area may spread the venom, thus lengthening the healing process.
  • Monitor for allergic reactions, such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat, or rapid heartbeat. Seek immediate medical attention if any of these symptoms occur.

Do not attempt to remove an aggressive stinging insect hive yourself! Contact the experts for prompt, safe removal!

Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

Preparing for Pest Season: Your Guide to a Pest-Free Summer in Colorado and Wyoming

Image of a pest control professional spraying pesticide.

Most people look forward to spring, with warm days, green grass, and budding flowers. However, it’s also the beginning of general pest and insect season, bringing ants, spiders, stinging insects, and wasps closer to our homes. With proactive measures and expert insights, you can enjoy the warmer months in peace, without unwelcome guests. Here’s your guide to preparing for the upcoming pest season.

Understanding the Threat

Around April, we see a significant increase in pest activity. The warmer temperatures are perfect for ants to start their forays into homes in search of food. Spiders come out of hiding to prey on these insects, often making their way into our living spaces. Stinging insects like wasps and other flying nuisances become more active, building nests that can pose risks to your family and pets.

Early Prevention is Key

  • Seal Entry Points: Begin with a thorough inspection of your home. Seal cracks and crevices around windows, doors, and the foundation to block entry points for pests.
  • Eliminate Standing Water: Stagnant water is a breeding ground for many insects. Ensure gutters are clean and downspouts are directing water away from your home. Repair leaky faucets and ensure your yard drains properly to discourage pests.
  • Keep Your Yard Tidy: Overgrown vegetation can provide shelter and breeding sites for pests. Keep your lawn trimmed and remove debris where insects could nest.
  • Store Food and Waste Properly: Ensure food is stored in sealed containers and keep your kitchen clean. Regularly dispose of garbage in sealed receptacles to avoid attracting ants and other pests.

Professional Pest Control Services

While DIY measures are a good start, professional pest control services such as Front Range Pest offer the expertise and resources needed to protect your home. We provide:

  • Customized Treatment Plans: Tailored strategies that address your area’s specific pests and your home’s unique vulnerabilities.
  • Preventative Treatments: Regularly scheduled treatments throughout the season can prevent infestations before they start.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your home is protected against pests allows you to enjoy your summer without worry.

Stay Vigilant

Regularly inspect your home for signs of pests. Catching an issue early can make a significant difference in the ease and cost of treatment. Look for signs like ant trails, spider webs, or wasp nests forming under eaves.

As we embrace the warmer months in Colorado and Wyoming, don’t let pests dampen your spirits. By taking early preventative measures and contacting Front Range Pest for unruly pest situations, you can protect your home and enjoy a pest-free summer. Remember, the key to effective pest management is not just to react but to prepare. So, let’s get ready for the season and ensure our homes and businesses remain a sanctuary setting for us, not for pests.

For a prompt inspection of your pest problem, contact us for a reliable, effective solution! 

Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

Bats: Spring Roosting in Colorado

Image of bats roosting in an attic.

As the snow melts and the days lengthen, Colorado residents might notice more than just the return of warm weather and blooming flowers. Spring marks the beginning of the roosting season for many bat species, a natural process that can lead to close encounters with these winged inhabitants, particularly in the cozy confines of our attics and barns.

Understanding Bats

Bats are a crucial part of Colorado’s ecosystem, essential in controlling insect populations and pollinating plants. Colorado is home to 18 bat species, including the Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) and the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus), known to roost in human structures. Bats inhabit all types of environments throughout the state, ranging from the eastern plains and lofty mountain woodlands to the western deserts and even in urban areas from countryside villages to the heart of Denver. They play a crucial role in pollinating flora and agricultural produce and managing insect numbers, as all species of bats in our region consume insects.

Why Bats Choose Attics

Attics offer a warm, sheltered environment for bats to roost, breed, and rear their young. These spaces mimic the natural cavities found in trees, providing a perfect substitute for bat colonies. During spring, female bats seek out safe places to form maternity colonies and give birth, making attics an attractive option.

If a single bat enters a building, often it’s because a door or window was left open. Typically, the bat will exit on its own if there’s an open window or door. Should the bat remain indoors, you can gently capture and release it with these steps:

  • Wear leather gloves, wait for the bat to land, then cover it with a small container.
  • Insert a piece of cardboard between the container and the wall, allowing the bat to fall into the container.
  • Release the bat outside, ideally near trees or shelter.

Identifying a Bat Infestation

A bat colony in your house can pose a significant health risk to humans and domestic animals, and the noise and odors from a large group can be bothersome. Such colonies often represent maternity roosts. Convincing these bats to vacate can be challenging, as common deterrents like mothballs and ultrasonic devices are ineffective. Moreover, using pesticides or poisons against bats is illegal, as this could lead to dead bats decomposing within your home and increase the risk of exposure to humans and pets. The signs of a bat infestation include:

  • Noises: Scratching, squeaking, or crawling sounds in walls or attics, especially at dusk or dawn.
  • Guano: Bat droppings resemble mouse droppings but are larger and contain insect parts.
  • Stains: Grease marks where bats enter and exit, along with urine stains on walls or insulation.
  • Odor: A strong, musky odor from bat guano and urine.

While bats play a beneficial role outdoors, they may cause health risks inside your home. Bat guano can harbor the fungus that causes histoplasmosis, a respiratory disease. Moreover, although rare, bats can carry rabies, a risk to humans and pets if bitten.

Preventing and Managing Bat Infestations

If bats have already taken up residence, consider hiring a pest control professional specializing in humane bat removal, such as Front Range Pest. We can implement exclusion methods that allow bats to leave but prevent them from returning without harming them. Excluding bats, especially maternity roosts, is best done in late summer or fall to ensure the young bats can independently forage.

Pre-Spring Bat Inspection & Exclusion:

  • Check your attic: Look for entry points, such as cracks or holes in the roof, vents, or eaves.
  • Inspect the entire building: Seach for entry points, such as chimneys, vents, and gaps in soffits or joists, and look for signs like staining or bat droppings that indicate entrances.
  • Conduct observations: At dusk to see where bats enter/exit the building.
  • Monitor Active Entrances: Over several evenings to gauge the size of the bat colony.
  • Install One-Way Bat Exclusion Devices: At entrance points, allowing bats to leave but preventing their return.
  • Make Needed Repairs: Seal up all other potential entry points near the exclusion sites, including gaps larger than ¼ inch.
  • Keep the exclusion devices in place for at least a week to ensure all bats have exited.
  • Remove the devices and permanently seal the entry points.
  • Maintain the property by trimming tree branches away from the house to limit access.

Coexisting with Bats

It’s important to remember that bats are protected under Colorado law and benefit the environment. Any attempt to remove or deter bats must be humane and comply with state regulations. Consider creating a bat-friendly environment on your property, such as installing a bat house. This can provide bats with an alternative roosting spot away from your home while allowing them to continue their vital role in the ecosystem. As spring approaches in Colorado, being mindful of our winged neighbors and taking proactive steps can ensure a peaceful coexistence. By understanding bats’ habits and needs, we can appreciate their role in our environment while keeping our homes safe and healthy.

If you suspect bats in your home or office, contact Front Range Pest for humane and effective removal.

Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

What is Exclusion Trapping?

Image of exclusion traps used to trap and release wildlife humanely.

Exclusion trapping is a humane pest control method that involves capturing animals at their entry points into buildings, rather than using baited traps placed randomly. This technique is part of a broader approach known as wildlife exclusion, aimed at permanently removing nuisance animals from structures. The strategies employed in exclusion trapping are tailored to specific species, with the primary goal being to prevent these animals from re-entering the property once they’ve been excluded.

This method offers numerous advantages. Since the trap intercepts the animal directly at its entry or exit point, there’s no need for bait, which eliminates the need for constant monitoring and replenishment. This specificity also increases the likelihood of capturing the intended animal, reducing the chances of accidentally trapping non-target wildlife. Exclusion trapping proves especially effective for animals living within the structure itself, such as in the roof or chimney, and is adaptable to various situations.

Exclusion Traps Are Used For:

  • Bats
  • Birds/Pigeons
  • Squirrels/Rock Chucks  
  • Mink/Muskrat
  • Skunks
  • Opossums 
  • Raccoons

To manage bats and birds humanely, we utilize one-way devices that let them leave a structure but prevent their return. For squirrels and other small wildlife, exclusion trapping is effective, particularly when ground trapping is impractical because it doesn’t guarantee that the captured squirrel is the one entering the roof. By positioning the trap at their entry point, exclusion trapping ensures that the specific animal causing issues is caught. For larger animals like raccoons, which have clear entry and exit routes, traps are placed directly outside these points. If the opening doesn’t accommodate a trap well, modifications are made to ensure a snug fit, facilitating effective capture while prioritizing animal safety.

Common Exclusion Points of Entry:

  • Chimney
  • Roof Vents
  • Roof/Fascia Spaces & Roof/Soffit Intersection
  • Plumbing Vents & Pipes
  • Oven & Bathroom Exhaust Vents
  • Holes in Siding
  • Porch & Deck
  • Trees & Landscaping k

Installing chimney caps, screens, and sealing vents and pipes effectively prevents wildlife breaches. Ensuring the roofline is fortified with durable materials and eliminating any gaps is crucial to stop animals from entering. Promptly fixing any siding holes and discouraging nesting near porches or decks with sturdy screening are also key steps. Additionally, managing overhanging branches and nearby vegetation can deter animal access.

Front Range Pest technicians possess the expertise to tailor exclusion traps to both the specific pest and the building’s architecture. These traps are strategically placed over entry points, capturing animals as they exit at night. Some traps may need support for correct positioning, and covered traps are sometimes used to maintain the trapped animal’s calm by limiting its visibility until it can be safely released back into the wild. Exclusion trapping is highly adaptable, with a no one-size-fits-all approach, ensuring each job is customized for optimal results.

Wildlife Invasion? Call a Pro!

Although some wildlife may seem small and harmless, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks they pose. Wild animals can carry diseases and parasites, and their bites can be painful and dangerous. To safeguard your health and that of your family, it’s advisable to contact a trained professional to address any wildlife concerns.

Has wildlife breached your home or business? Contact Front Range Pest today for prompt removal!


Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

Protecting Your Solar Panels from Nesting Pigeons

Investing in solar panels is an excellent step towards sustainable energy, but it comes with some challenges, particularly when birds and pigeons choose to nest beneath them. Understanding the problems caused by these unwelcome visitors is vital to keeping your solar panels and roof in quality condition. Whether a homeowner or a business owner, preventing your solar panels from becoming a haven for birds and pigeons is important. Front Range Pest can proactively help you preserve the functionality and integrity of your solar panels and roof, translating into cost savings and guaranteeing the well-being of those in your vicinity.

Why Do Pigeons Like to Nest Under Rooftop Solar Panels?

Birds and pigeons are drawn to nest beneath rooftop solar panels for several reasons:

  • Protection/Shelter: The area under solar panels offers a safe and covered spot, sheltering them from harsh sunlight, and adverse weather conditions like rain, wind, or snow, and predators.
  • Warmth: As solar panels soak up sunlight, they emit heat. This retained warmth beneath the panels forms a perfect setting for birds and pigeons to nest and remain warm.
  • Seclusion: Typically, there is a slight gap between the solar panel and the roof, providing a peaceful nesting space for birds and pigeons, isolated from human activities and other disruptions.

Damage Caused by Pigeons While Nesting Under Solar Panels

The presence of birds and pigeons nesting under solar panels can lead to various types of damage, impacting not only the solar panels and roof but also posing potential health risks:

  • Reduced Solar Panel Performance: The accumulation of bird droppings on the panels can obstruct sunlight, leading to decreased solar efficiency.
  • Roof and Panel Damage: Nesting can disrupt the normal water drainage and air circulation beneath the panels, resulting in water damage and potential overheating. This may cause long-term damage to both your roof and the solar panels.
  • Health Risks: Birds and pigeons are known carriers of diseases like Histoplasmosis, Salmonella, and E. coli, and can also host parasites such as bird mites. Their nests pose a health risk to you, your family, and your pets.
  • Higher Maintenance Needs: Regular cleaning and repairs are often necessary to keep your solar panels functioning properly and address pest-related issues.
  • Ongoing Costs: Consistent maintenance checks and cleanings are essential to maintain the integrity of your solar panels, which can lead to increased regular expenses.

In addition, pigeons are loud. You will notice when they have begun to nest under your Solar Panels due to the noise that follows them. From scratching, scurrying, and chirping, your sleepless nights will begin.

Pigeon Proofing Your Solar Panels

Solar panels are a significant long-term investment, making maintenance and optimal utilization crucial. Bird-proofing involves setting up a barrier around the edges of your solar panels to block pigeons and birds from accessing the area underneath. Once these birds cannot find refuge under your solar panels, they must seek shelter elsewhere. Thus, bird-proofing your solar panels emerges as an ideal and permanent solution to this problem.

What Does Pigeon Proofing Services Include?

  • Clearing out any present nests or pigeons from under the solar panels and the nearby vicinity, ensuring no birds remain trapped beneath the panels.
  • Thoroughly cleaning the solar panels and the general roof area by sanitizing the surfaces and eliminating bird droppings and nesting debris.
  • Implementing the pigeon-proofing solution you prefer. Available choices range from bird mesh wire or bird blockers, anti-roosting spikes, or a solar skirt (an aluminum edge fitting.)

At Front Range Pest, our team of experts is dedicated to helping you address these concerns. We offer professional solar panel bird and pigeon-proofing services to keep your investment in tip-top shape. To schedule an inspection or learn more about our services, contact us today.

Are pigeons nesting under your solar panels? Call Front Range Pest (970) 889-0425 for humane removal and prevention.


Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

Dealing with Pack Rats in Colorado: Key Signs and Prevention

Pack rats, also known as wood rats, are a prevalent nuisance in Colorado. Often inhabiting wild areas, they tend to invade homes for food and shelter. They are notorious for collecting items from houses to build nests in hidden spots like walls and attics (hence the name). Contact a professional pest control agency ASAP if you suspect a rodent infestation, as the damage they cause can be extensive and expensive to fix.

Pack Rats: The Hoarders of the Rodent World

Pack Rats or wood rats are similar to standard house mice, except they are slightly bigger with a bushier tail. They are known for their peculiar habit of collecting various objects to build their nests, which, over time, may become problematic as the gathered materials can block vents, damage insulation, and create fire hazards. You will notice that small household items disappear as they are attracted to shiny objects. Pack rats often inhabit rocky areas, but like mice, they can invade homes, garages, and outbuildings in search of warm shelter. These nocturnal creatures are particularly active during the fall and winter, seeking refuge from the colder temperatures.

Recognizing Pack Rat Infestations

Nest Locations: Pack rats typically build their nests in secure, warm places like attics and walls, often under eaves, porches, or decks. They can enter homes through existing holes made by other animals. Finding nests in these areas is a strong indicator of an infestation.

Noises in Walls: Hearing rustling sounds inside your walls can signify pack rats. These noises often indicate their presence as they seek safety from predators indoors. Since they can chew through materials like wiring and insulation, it’s important to address this early to prevent severe damage.

Rat Droppings: Discovering mouse feces is another sign of an invasion. These droppings are unsanitary and can pose health risks due to the diseases these pests can carry.

Management and Preventive Measures

Effective management of mice and pack rats involves a combination of prevention, exclusion, and removal. Homeowners should focus on sealing cracks and openings in the home’s exterior, reducing clutter, and keeping food in sealed containers. Regular inspection of attics, basements, and storage areas is also vital to detect any early signs of rodent activity.

For pack rats, reducing outdoor debris and clutter can make your property less attractive to them. Since they are attracted to shiny objects, be mindful of leaving small, reflective items outside. Be sure to seal off potential entry points, such as gaps around pipes, windows, doors, and siding boards. Regular inspection and maintenance can help identify and block these access points early. Homeowners should be vigilant about maintaining cleanliness and reducing clutter to deter these unwelcome guests.

If you suspect a rodent problem in your Colorado home, contact Front Range Pest for prompt removal and cleanup services. We deal with infestations of all sizes safely and effectively. Remember, the sooner you address the issue, the easier it is to prevent significant damage and health hazards.

Suspect a rodent intrusion? Contact Front Range Pest today for prompt assistance! 


Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

Unwanted Guests: Bed Bug Inspection & Discreet Extermination

When it comes to pests invading your space, few are as unsettling and persistent as bed bugs. These tiny, bloodsucking insects can infest homes and commercial properties, causing discomfort, stress, health concerns, and even loss of income. If you suspect a bed bug infestation in your Colorado property, it is crucial to address it promptly. This article explains how we at Front Range Pest assess and eradicate these insects discretely and effectively.

Identifying the Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs are notoriously skilled at hiding, but they do leave behind some telltale signs. Here’s what to look for when inspecting your property:

  • Bite Marks: Itchy, red, and often clustered bite marks on your skin, particularly in a linear pattern, can be a strong indicator of bed bug presence.
  • Tiny Rust-Colored Stains: Bed bugs often leave behind small bloodstains on sheets and mattresses, a result of their feeding habits.
  • Exoskeletons and Eggs: Check the seams and crevices of your mattress, furniture, and walls for discarded exoskeletons and tiny, pearly-white eggs.
  • Musty Odor: Bed bugs emit a distinctive, sweet, and musty odor. If you detect this scent, it’s a sign of a substantial infestation.

Why Choose Front Range Pest for Bed Bug Problems

Front Range Pest is your trusted partner in discreetly exterminating bed bugs. Here’s why you should consider their services:

  • Expertise: Our technicians are highly trained in bed bug identification and removal, ensuring thorough and effective extermination.
  • Discretion: We understand the sensitive nature of bed bug issues, and we prioritize prudence,   attempting to avoid drawing attention to your property.
  • Safe and Effective Treatments: We employ safe, environmentally friendly treatments to eliminate bed bugs without harming your family, pets, or the environment.
  • Follow-Up Inspections: After treatment, our techs will conduct follow-up inspections to ensure all bed bugs are eradicated, giving you peace of mind.

Our Bed Bug Extermination Process

Front Range Pest follows a comprehensive approach to exterminating bed bugs:

  • Assessment: We assess the extent of the infestation to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.
  • Treatment: We employ a combination of heat treatments, chemical treatments, and specialized equipment to eliminate bed bugs at all stages of their life cycle.
  • Prevention: We provide recommendations to prevent future infestations, including tips for maintaining a bed bug-free environment.

Bed bugs can quickly turn your home or commercial property into an uncomfortable and stressful space. When dealing with a bed bug infestation, acting quickly to remove them is essential. The experts at Front Range Pest can help you identify and eliminate bed bugs, ensuring your peace of mind and the safety of your loved ones or customers.

Don’t let bed bugs take over – contact Front Range Pest to regain control of your space today!


Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com

Colorado’s October Pests: Ants

Close up image of two ants to represent the common challenges posed by ants in Colorado.

As the autumn leaves begin to paint Colorado’s landscape with hues of gold and red, it’s not just the scenery that changes. October also brings a shift in the world of pests, with ants becoming more prominent visitors in our homes. We explore the common challenges posed by ants in Colorado and offer tips on how to manage them effectively.

Problematic Ants on the Move

Colorado’s cool October weather often sends ants marching into homes in search of warmth and sustenance. Common culprits include pavement ants, carpenter ants, sugar ants, and field ants. These tiny invaders can quickly become a nuisance as they forage for food, particularly sweets and proteins, in your kitchen and pantry. Carpenter ants are in search of moist wood to build their nest site, not eat as some may think. They use their strong jaws to excavate and tunnel through soft wood, leaving dust piles in their track.

Ants are social insects, meaning they work closely together with other ants of their species to live and work. So, when you see one ant, there are always more! Each ant colony consists of three groups: the queen and male breeders, soldiers, and workers. The first group keeps the colony going; the soldiers protect the queen and the nest, and the workers do everything else. Worker ants are responsible for finding food to supply the nest, making them a considerable inconvenience if they invade your residence or workplace. Worker carpenter ants also forage for food and seek suitable places to live, such as damp floor joists or attic trusses.

If left unchecked, the population of an ant colony can rapidly increase in size, making the removal process much more tedious. Although carpenter ant nests tend to have a smaller population than other species, they expand more gradually. However, if left unattended over time, carpenter ants can seriously damage the integrity of your home structure. No matter the type, it’s best to contact a pest control company ASAP when an ant invasion has been spotted.

Naturally Managing Ants

Preventing ants from entering your home in the first place is a proactive approach to pest management. Ensure your home is well-sealed, with no cracks or gaps that could serve as entry points for pests. Keep your kitchen and dining areas clean. Ants are attracted to food residue, so wipe down countertops, sweep floors, and clean up spills promptly. Plant natural barriers such as mint, hot peppers, and sage, or scatter coffee grounds, which repel ants but will nurture your soil. Also, keep your yard well groomed and remove dead wood and debris that can serve as a nesting site for ants and other insects.

  • Tip: Inspect your home’s exterior for potential entry points and seal them with caulk or weatherstripping.
  • Tip: Keep food sealed in airtight containers, clean up crumbs promptly, and fix any leaky faucets or pipes to deter ant infestations.
  • Tip: Keep your landscape tidy and plant native vegetation that helps deter pests.
  • Tip: Using equal parts white vinegar and water solution, spray on ant trails and entry points, which may disrupt their scent trails and deter ants from returning.

Professional Ant Control and Extermination

At Front Range Pest, we recognize that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for eradicating ants. To develop the most effective plan, it’s crucial to identify the ant species, pinpoint the nest’s location, and assess the extent of the infestation. Conventional ant bait traps, particularly for restaurants and multi-unit residences, are often ineffective. Dealing with carpenter ants is a complex and time-intensive process, requiring professional pest control assistance. Depending on your specific situation, we offer guidance on non-invasive habitat adjustments, employ perimeter pesticide applications with targeted treatments and ant baits, locate and eliminate the nest, and implement structural enhancements to safeguard your home or business as needed.

Don’t let a small ant problem become a BIG ant problem. Contact Front Range Pest today!


Front Range Pest is your trusted, family-owned pest and wildlife control company serving central Colorado and southern Wyoming. Our certified technicians have the expertise and credentials to ensure effective pest management for your home or business. As your all-in-one insect and wildlife specialists, we offer peace of mind by identifying wildlife entry points, removing nuisance pests, sealing access areas, performing cleanup, and making essential repairs. Schedule an inspection with us today.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com