Keeping Mice at Bay During the Winter

As temperatures drop, we’re not the only ones seeking warmth and shelter—mice are also on the lookout for cozy winter havens. Your home, as well as any vehicles you have in storage like RVs, boats, and cars, can become prime real estate for these pesky rodents. Understanding the risks and taking proactive steps to prevent an infestation are key to protecting your property from damage and health hazards associated with mice.

Why Mice Seek Refuge in Homes and Vehicles

Mice are small, nimble creatures that can enter buildings and vehicles through gaps as small as a dime. Once inside, they find everything they need: shelter, warmth, and potential food sources. Your home offers various nooks and crannies that serve as perfect nesting spots, while stored vehicles are less frequented and thus provide peaceful harborage.

The Dangers of a Mouse Infestation

Mice are more than just a nuisance. They can cause significant damage and pose health risks:

  • Property Damage: Mice chew on everything. In homes, they can gnaw through wires, insulation, and wooden structures, leading to costly repairs. In vehicles, they might chew through wiring and upholstery, which can compromise safety features and lead to expensive fixes.
  • Health Risks: Mice can carry diseases such as hantavirus, salmonella, and listeria, which are transmittable to humans through their droppings, urine, and saliva.
  • Allergens: The presence of mice and their droppings can worsen allergy and asthma symptoms, particularly in children.

Preventive Measures to Keep Mice Out

Taking action before mice settle in is crucial. Here are some effective strategies to prevent an infestation:

  • Seal Entry Points: Thoroughly inspect your home and any stored vehicles. Seal any cracks, holes, and openings with steel wool, caulk, or a combination of both. Pay special attention to gaps around doors, windows, and utility pipes.
  • Remove Food Sources: Keep food in sealed containers and dispose of garbage regularly. In vehicles, avoid leaving crumbs or food wrappers which can attract mice.
  • Declutter and Clean: Regular cleaning helps reduce potential nesting areas. Declutter spaces and keep storage areas tidy and organized. In vehicles, clean the interiors regularly and avoid storing items like blankets that can attract mice.
  • Set Traps: In areas where mice are likely to enter, consider setting traps. Various options are available, from traditional snap traps to humane catch-and-release traps, depending on your preference.
  • Professional Pest Control: Sometimes, despite all efforts, mice find a way in. In such cases, or if you’re dealing with an existing infestation, contact Northern Pest, a professional pest control company in Northern Michigan, for effective, customized solutions.

Winterize Your Vehicles

For vehicles that will be stored over winter, take additional precautions:

  • Thoroughly Clean: Remove all food traces and vacuum the interiors to eliminate crumbs and debris.
  • Use Repellents: Natural deterrents like peppermint oil-soaked cotton balls can be effective. Place them in areas prone to mouse entry.
  • Regular Checks: Periodically inspect stored vehicles for signs of mice. Early detection can prevent extensive damage.

Mice infestations can cause extensive damage to property and pose health risks, but by taking preventive measures, you can protect your home and stored vehicles. Regular maintenance, sealing potential entry points, and keeping areas clean and declutter-free are your best defenses against these unwelcome winter guests. If you suspect an infestation, consulting with a pest control professional, such as Northern Pest to effectively tackle the problem and prevent future issues. Remember, the key to pest management is prevention and early intervention.

No matter where you’re facing a mouse problem (RV, stored boat/vehicle, deer blind, or your home), Northern Pest has a team of seasoned professionals ready to safely and promptly remove any pest issue.

Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Rodent Control and Prevention

Image of two mice on a kitchen floor at nighttime.

In September, we began restocking rodent bait stations due to the increased pest activity from last year’s mild winter. To prevent unwelcome mice, ask us about effective methods to reduce their local population and keep them away.

Warning Signs of Mice

Be alert for these indicators of a mouse presence:

  • Mouse droppings, about 0.125-0.25 inches long, resembling rice grains.
  • A distinct ammonia-like smell from mouse urine.
  • Greasy, black rub marks on walls along mouse travel paths.
  • Gnaw marks and burrows in insulation or other materials.
  • Sightings of mice, which likely indicate a larger infestation.

Risks Associated with Mice

Mice are adaptable and breed rapidly, with a single female producing up to 35 offspring annually. They can enter homes and businesses through tiny gaps and pose health risks by spreading diseases, contaminating food, and potentially triggering asthma or allergies with airborne particles from their droppings and urine. Rodents can also carry other pests like fleas and ticks into your home.

Identifying Local Rodents

In northern Michigan, common rodents include house mice, deer mice, Norway rats, roof rats, pack rats, meadow voles, and squirrels. Familiarity with these species can help you recognize and prevent infestations.

Controlling Mice

If you suspect a rodent problem in your home or business, contact a professional service provider such as Northern Pest. Our licensed techs have the experience and training to safely and effectively address pest invasions, big or small, within walls, attics, commercial properties, multi-unit dwellings, and more!

Don’t let a small pest problem become a big infestation; contact the pros now! 

Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Yellowjackets are At Their Peak in Michigan!

Close up image of a yellowjacket wasp.

Though resembling bees, yellowjackets aggressively defend their colonies, which reach peak size and aggression in late summer. During August and September, these insects become particularly hostile while guarding their nests—found underground or in trees, shrubs, wood piles, and buildings, and hosting up to 5,000 members. While yellowjackets help control pests like caterpillars and flies, they turn troublesome as they increasingly seek out sugary foods such as soda, ice cream, and other sweet beverages during these months.

Why Are Yellowjackets Most Active in August?

Yellowjackets typically live between 12 and 22 days, spending their time constructing papier-mâché-like colonies from their saliva and chewed wood. Their activity begins in May, peaks in August when the final wasps and next year’s queen are raised, and the colony reaches maturity. By November or December, all yellowjackets except the hibernating queen die, who then lays eggs to restart the cycle in spring.

Although they resemble bees, yellowjackets can sting repeatedly without dying and their venom is significantly more potent. While a bumblebee sting might feel like a slight pinch and heal quickly, a yellowjacket sting can cause intense pain for hours and lead to swelling and itching that persists for days.

Protecting Yourself!

If a yellowjacket is near, be still and wait until it flies away. Swatting them will cause them to become more agitated, which may result in one or more stings. Stepping on them will cause more harm because when they die, yellowjackets release an odor that will attract more wasps. Their only intent is to attack!

Prevention Tips

The best way to deal with aggressive stinging insects is to prevent encounters before they happen. Follow these tips to help safeguard yourself and family:

  • Avoid Perfumes and Scented Lotions: These can attract stinging insects, especially during their active months.
  • Cover Food and Beverages: Always cover food at picnics and use containers with lids for drinks to avoid attracting insects.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear light-colored and smooth-textured clothing as these insects are less attracted to such fabrics.
  • Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Seal holes and cracks in foundations, walls, roofs, and eaves. Check your property regularly for nests and contact Northern Pest for professional removal!

Controlling Yellowjackets

Since most yellowjacket colonies are found underground, the best way to eliminate the wasps is by using insecticide dust. Dusting or spraying nests in the evenings or early mornings is ideal, as they are less active then. Setting traps for yellowjackets may also be a good option, when there aren’t too many. These traps can be purchased at most hardware stores. Use strong-smelling bait such as tuna earlier in the year and sweeter items like grenadine in late summer or fall. To prevent yellowjackets from nesting near your home, set out these traps in the spring to catch the queens before they establish nests in your area.

For large hives or those located within the home or in precarious locations requiring a ladder, etc., professional removal of a yellowjacket nest is recommended. For your safety, please do not attempt to remove or destroy a colony yourself; contact Northern Pest for prompt and efficient removal of aggressive stinging insect hives.

Think before you act around aggressive stinging insects; contact the experts for help!

Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Protect Your Home: Stinging Insects, Bat Eviction, and Fall Planning Ahead!

image of a yellowjacket

Aggressive Stinging Insects!

We’re in the heat of the season for stinging insects such as paper wasps, baldfaced hornets, yellow jackets, and ground bees. These pests are actively building their hives and multiplying. While it’s best to leave them alone, sometimes action is necessary when their nests intrude on our homes, busy entryways, and common outdoor areas.

At Northern Pest, our techs are fully equipped with the necessary tools and treatments to safely and effectively address your stinging insect problem. Depending on the species, we use a powder insecticide for structural hives or a gas pesticide that can penetrate deep within the hive. Additionally, we apply spot treatments in hard-to-reach areas where conventional sprays are ineffective.

The aggressive nature of most stinging insects instills fear in those nearby, as their venomous stingers can cause severe allergic reactions. If you spot a nest or the presence of multiple stinging insects, contact Northern Pest to remove and eliminate dangerous hives from your home or property.

The most serious reaction to an insect sting is an allergic one. Protect yourself and others by seeking medical treatment if:

•              Hives, itching, and swelling appear in areas other than the sting site.

•              Abdominal cramping, vomiting, intense nausea, or diarrhea occurs.

•              You experience any tightness in the chest and have difficulty breathing.

•              You have a hoarse voice or swelling of the tongue or throat, or difficulty swallowing.

•              Dizziness or a sharp drop in blood pressure occurs.

•              Loss of consciousness or cardiac arrest happens.

Planning Ahead!

In August: We will begin our late-season whole-house barriers for flies and other harboring insects, such as boxelder bugs and Asian lady beetles. If you need treatment, plan ahead and contact us now!

Fall Rodent Prevention: It’s been a big season for mice due to last year’s mild winter. The mouse population is up. Avoid seeing mice this fall and winter by setting up your rodent prevention now!

image of pest control technician spraying for to prevent mice


Good news: they are alive and well, and their populations are increasing! Bad news: they are finding their way into more homes. If you suspect bats are in your home, contact us today to learn more about our safe and humane bat eviction methods and to schedule an inspection. 

image of a crawling bat

Contact Northern Pest of Petosky or the Upper Peninsula, MI, for safe removal of bats, stinging insect hives, and to schedule your upcoming whole-house barrier against harboring insects and rodent prevention services. 

Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

How to Travel Safely and Avoid Unwanted Bedbugs

image of bedbugs in hotel bed.

The summer travel season brings with it the heightened risk of encountering bedbugs in hotels, motels, and vacation homes. Bedbugs, or cimex lectularius, are small, brown, oval-shaped insects that thrive in dark, cozy spots like mattress seams and chair cushions. During their 6-12 month lifespan, female bedbugs can lay 200-500 eggs, and they feed on human and animal blood typically at night, often without detection.

Staying Vigilant

To avoid the discomfort of bedbug bites, which appear as small, itchy red bumps on exposed skin areas and can cause irritation for about a week, travelers should be vigilant. Check for signs of bedbugs such as reddish stains on bedding, musty odors, and inspect all hidden areas upon arriving at a lodging. Bedbugs thrive in warmer months; they cannot fly and rely on people or things, like clothing or suitcases, to get from place to place.

Treating Bedbugs on Your Own

If you suspect a bedbug infestation, washing and drying bedding and clothes at high temperatures (120 degrees Fahrenheit) can eliminate these pests, and steam cleaning infested furniture is also effective. Bedbug bites often occur on parts of the skin exposed during sleep, such as the face, neck, or hands, and usually manifest as small, itchy red bumps. If you have been bitten, apply over-the-counter antihistamines or itch creams to the affected area for relief.

It’s not thought that bedbugs transmit illness or diseases; however, scratching the bites can lead to infection. Being proactive and informed can help you enjoy a pest-free summer travel experience.

How to Identify Bedbugs While Traveling

Inspect every small crevice and concealed area, such as the seams of bedsheets, chair cushions, mattress folds, and curtain edges or headboards—anywhere dark, snug, and secluded. Keep an eye out for a musty, slightly sweet smell, a sign of infestation, and watch for reddish stains that could indicate crushed bedbugs.

Top Cities for Bedbug Infestations, ranked by Orkin

No. 1 Chicago, IL

No. 2 New York, NY

No. 3 Philadelphia, PA

No. 4 Cleveland-Akron, OH

No. 5 Los Angeles, CA

No. 6 Detroit, MI

No 7. Washington, D.C.

No. 8 Indianapolis, IN

No. 9 Charlotte, NC

No. 10 Champaign, IL

No. 11 Columbus, OH

No. 12 Cincinnati, OH

No. 13 Atlanta, GA

No. 14 Grand Rapids, MI

No. 15 Denver, CO

No. 16 Baltimore, MD

No. 17 Richmond, VA

No. 18 Greensboro, N.C.

No. 19 St. Louis, MO

No. 20 Youngstown, OH

Contact Northern Pest to Schedule a Bedbug Inspection

Northern Pest is fully licensed and insured, and we look forward to serving you! From Home, the Lake, Camp, or Your Business—Northern Pest Has You Covered!

Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Mosquito & Tick Season

Image of the forest, a breeding ground for mosquitos and ticks.

This year, mosquitoes are problematic again due to increased moisture, which provides more breeding grounds for mosquito larvae that thrive in stagnant water. To prevent mosquito-borne diseases, it’s crucial to stop larvae from developing into adults. While completely eliminating mosquitoes is impossible, our control strategy involves spraying pesticides on underbrush, foliage, grass, and low-lying trees. This treatment kills mosquitoes at all stages of development and prevents them from inhabiting these areas.

For optimal results, begin treatments early in the summer and reapply as necessary throughout the season, especially after heavy rains, which might wash away the insecticide.

Protect yourself from mosquitoes by:

Image of a mosquito with a green strike-through.
  • Wear long sleeves and pants, and keep in mind they are most active at dawn and dusk.
  • Use repellants when traveling in the woods or damp locations.
  • Remove all standing water (flowerpots, buckets, birdbaths, gutters, etc.)
  • Keep your grass cut short.
  • Plant flowers and herbs such as lemongrass, marigolds, garlic, lavender, rosemary, basil, mint, sage, catnip, bee balm, and scented geraniums.

Contact Northern Pest to Schedule a Mosquito Treatment

General Tick Information

Tick season is bad this year, particularly due to a combination of factors. A mild winter across many regions allowed ticks to thrive and emerge earlier than usual. Additionally, an increase in mice populations has led to a boom in ticks, as more hosts are available for them to feed on. The convergence of these two aspects creates a perfect environment for ticks to thrive.

Ticks prefer to live in warm and humid areas (hence why a Michigan summer is perfect for them), particularly in long grass in the shade or by standing water. Common indications of tick bites are rashes and swelling around the bite, a burning sensation, and small blisters. Symptoms of tick bites might last a few weeks, but they have been known to carry Lyme Disease (among some other less common diseases), so it is best to get a bite looked at by a professional if you have any concerns.

Protect yourself from ticks by:

Image of a tick with a green strike-through.
  • Wear clothing covering your arms and legs if walking through woods or areas with long grass.
  • Apply tick repellents on yourself or your animals.
  • Regularly inspect your clothing, arms, legs, and scalp for ticks after being in these areas.
  • To promptly remove ticks, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Afterward, thoroughly clean the area with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water.
  • To kill any ticks on your clothing, put them in the dryer on high heat for 10 minutes before washing them.
  • Treat your yard for ticks, especially if it borders woods or water.  Keep your yard well-trimmed and remove leaf litter where ticks may hide. 

Contact Northern Pest to Schedule a Tick Treatment

Northern Pest is fully licensed and insured, and we look forward to serving you! From Home, the Lake, Camp, or Your Business –Northern Pest Has You Covered!

Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Keeping Skunks at Bay in Northern Michigan

With the rebirth of spring, a less welcome resurgence occurs in the form of active pests eager to explore and expand their territories. Among these seasonal visitors, skunks pose a unique challenge, known for their distinctive appearance and notorious defense mechanism. As a leading pest control company, we understand the importance of preparing your home or business for the challenges of changing seasons. This article is designed to give you the knowledge and strategies to keep skunks at bay effectively.

Image of a skunk about to spray in defense.

At Northern Pest, we combine exclusion, timely repairs, and the strategic use of rat walls to significantly reduce the likelihood of skunks invading your property. Also, be sure to regularly inspect your property for signs of skunk activity or new potential entry points to maintain an effective defense.

Exclusion of Skunks

  1. Identify Entry Points: Inspect your property for holes, gaps, or openings around the foundation, vents, and under doors or decks. Skunks can enter through small openings, so it’s crucial to identify all potential entry points.
  2. Seal Openings: Use sturdy materials like metal mesh, hardware cloth, or aluminum flashing to seal off any openings. Ensure that the materials are buried at least 1 to 2 feet underground at the base of the foundation or fencing to prevent skunks from digging underneath.
  3. Install Exclusion Barriers: For areas that cannot be sealed off completely, such as beneath decks or sheds, install exclusion barriers that extend into the ground to prevent digging. These barriers should slant outward to deter skunks from getting close.

Making Repairs Caused by Skunks

  1. Fix Structural Damage: Repair any damage to the exterior of buildings, including broken siding, gaps in roofing, or damaged vents. This not only prevents skunk entry but also enhances overall structural integrity.
  2. Secure Garbage and Compost: Skunks are attracted to food sources. Ensure garbage cans have tight-fitting lids and compost bins are securely covered. Consider using bins made of materials that skunks cannot easily penetrate.
  3. Remove Attractants: Eliminate food and water sources that may attract skunks, such as pet food left outside, fallen fruit from trees, and accessible water sources like birdbaths or leaky faucets.

Installing ‘Rat Walls’ to Keep Skunks at Bay

  1. Installation: Rat walls are underground barriers made of concrete or metal that prevent burrowing animals from digging under structures. Install rat walls around the perimeter of sheds, decks, and other vulnerable structures to a depth of at least 18 inches to 2 feet.
  2. Materials: Use durable materials like galvanized steel or reinforced concrete to ensure longevity and resistance against digging.
  3. Consider Professional Help: For best results, consider hiring a professional to install rat walls. They can ensure the walls are installed correctly and provide the most effective barrier against skunks and other burrowing wildlife.

If you think you may have a skunk problem, contact Northern Pest; we’ll come out and inspect and make recommendations based on your unique situation.

Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

How to Detect Rodent Activity, Understand Their Persistence, and Keep Them at Bay

Image of a mouse in a person’s home.

With their remarkable adaptability, rodents have coexisted with humans for centuries, often to our dismay. These unwelcome guests find our homes inviting and the perfect habitat to thrive due to the abundant food, water, and shelter we unwittingly provide. Understanding mouse behavior, detecting their presence early, and adopting preventive measures are crucial in ensuring our homes remain rodent-free. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to spot mouse activity, gain insight on their behavior, and implement effective strategies to keep them out.

Detecting Rodent Activity

Rodent signs are often subtle but unmistakable with closer inspection. Here are key indicators:

  • Droppings: Rodent droppings are a clear sign of activity. Mouse droppings are small, dark, and pointed at the ends, while rat droppings are larger and banana-shaped.
  • Gnaw Marks: Look for fresh gnaw marks on furniture, food packaging, and even wiring, which can indicate an active infestation.
  • Nests: Rodents build nests from shredded paper, fabric, or dried plant matter. These are often hidden in secluded areas.
  • Noises: Scratching sounds in the walls or attic at night are common signs of mice presence.
  • Footprints and Tail Trails: You might notice rodent footprints or tail trails in dusty environments.

Why Rodents Are So Persistent

Rodents seek environments that satisfy their primary food, water, and shelter needs. Our homes inadvertently offer all these in abundance, making them irresistible to these creatures. Additionally, mice and rats have evolved to live near humans, benefiting from our resources while avoiding outdoor predators.

Mice, rats, and other rodents can easily enter through small openings to nest or search for food, and their rapid breeding can lead to quick infestations, with up to ten litters per year. These pests often seek food in homes and businesses, where they can also spread diseases by contaminating food sources with their droppings. They are particularly problematic in commercial settings like restaurants and apartment complexes, attracting further infestations through pheromones left behind. This makes areas previously infested more susceptible to future problems, emphasizing the importance of early detection and prevention.

Keeping Rodents Out

Keeping rodents out of your home involves a combination of cleanliness, home maintenance, and vigilance. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Seal Entry Points: Conduct a thorough inspection of your home’s exterior. Seal any cracks, holes, or gaps in the foundation, walls, and around doors and windows with steel wool, caulk, or metal sheeting.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Reduce food sources by keeping your kitchen clean. Store food in sealed containers, dispose of garbage regularly, and clean crumbs and spills promptly.
  • Eliminate Clutter: Rodents hide in cluttered areas. By keeping your home organized and clutter-free, you reduce hiding spots for rodents.
  • Landscaping: Trim vegetation away from your home’s exterior to eliminate shelter for rodents. Consider using gravel or stone as a barrier around the foundation.
  • Professional Help: If you suspect an infestation, it’s wise to seek professional pest control services, such as Northern Pest. We offer tailored solutions for effective eradication and control methods.

How Northern Pest Handles Rodent Control

At Northern Pest, we start by assessing the activity reported by homeowners and conducting a comprehensive inspection from the foundation to the roofline to spot entry points, nesting areas, and potential risks. We then provide an estimate for sealing these entry points to block future infestations. Our approach combines rodenticide bait stations with structural adjustments to stop invasions. Our discreet, secure bait stations and traps are designed to clear the infestation, and we recommend changes to your environment to keep rodents out. Our recurring control program offers continual protection for those seeking ongoing prevention, with regular checks, monitoring, and bait station maintenance.

Maintain a Rodent-Free Environment!

Detecting rodent activity early and understanding why our homes appeal to them are the first steps in keeping them at bay. By adopting preventive measures and maintaining vigilance, we can protect our homes from the dangers and nuisances of rodents. Remember, the key to rodent control is not just to react to their presence but to proactively create an environment that is unwelcoming to them in the first place.

For prompt inspection and removal of wildlife pests, contact us today!


Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Uninvited Pests: Bed Bug Inspection and Discreet Removal

Image of magnifying glass viewing a bed bug on a mattress.

Dealing with unwelcome pests, especially bed bugs, can be a significant source of discomfort and worry. These minuscule, blood-feeding critters are notorious for invading residential and commercial spaces, leading to unease, health issues, and potential financial loss. Immediate action is essential if you’re concerned about a possible bed bug infestation. In this article, we’ll discuss how Northern Pest effectively and discreetly tackles the challenge of identifying and eliminating bed bugs.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs, while adept at concealing themselves, still leave noticeable clues. When checking your space for these pests, keep an eye out for the following signs:

  • Bites: Look for itchy, red bites on your skin, often grouped together or in a straight line, suggesting bed bug activity.
  • Small, Rusty Stains: You might find tiny blood spots on your bedding or mattress, which occur due to bed bugs’ feeding patterns.
  • Eggs and Exoskeletons: Examine the nooks of your mattress, furniture, and even wall crevices for shed skins or small, pearl-like eggs.
  • Unusual, Musty Smell: A significant bed bug infestation is often accompanied by a unique, sweet, musty smell.

Bed Bug Problems: Choose Northern Pest!

Northern Pest is your trusted partner for discreet and expert bed bug extermination. Here’s why we stand out:

  • Professional Expertise: Our technicians are extensively trained in identifying and eliminating bed bugs, guaranteeing a comprehensive and successful extermination process.
  • Confidential Service: We recognize the delicate nature of bed bug issues, and our discreet operations minimize attention to your property.
  • Safe, Eco-Friendly Methods: The treatments we use are not only effective but also safe for your family, pets, and the environment, emphasizing eco-friendly solutions.
  • Comprehensive Follow-Up: Post-treatment, our team conducts meticulous follow-up inspections to confirm the complete removal of bed bugs, ensuring lasting comfort and reassurance.

Exterminating Bed Bugs

Our thorough strategy in exterminating bed bug infestations is proven to work:

  • Inspection: Our team conducts a thorough inspection to gauge the severity of the infestation, which helps us formulate an effective treatment strategy.
  • Treatment: We use a mix of heat and chemical treatments, complemented by specialized tools, to target and eliminate bed bugs at every stage of their lifecycle.
  • Proactive Measures: We offer guidance on preventive practices to help avoid future bed bug problems, including advice on keeping your environment bed bug free.

Bed bugs have the potential to rapidly transform your residential or commercial space into a place of discomfort and anxiety. Prompt action is crucial in addressing a bed bug infestation. Northern Pest’s specialists are equipped to assist you in detecting and eradicating bed bugs, restoring tranquility and safeguarding the well-being of your family or patrons.

Don’t let bed bugs overrun your home or business – contact Northern Pest to regain control today!


Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Bed Bugs in Hotels & More

Unfortunately, bed bugs infiltrate hotels more often than you think. These pests are common in all 50 states, and since they bunker down within upholstery and other fabrics, they survive the harshest winters. Bed bugs don’t only sequester hotels; they hitch a ride from unsuspecting travelers and can cause a nuisance within offices, daycares, hospitals, dorms, apartment buildings, residential homes, and more.

Problematic bed bugs have been on the rise in recent years, especially for hotels. Major cities, including Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint, and Lansing, have faced their fair share of bed bug infestations. As you can imagine, a bed bug invasion often has negative connotations; people may assume a run-down, old motel setting, for example. However, bed bugs don’t discriminate based on luxury or cleanliness; they can thrive and multiply quickly within any environment.  

Although bed bugs are not known to spread disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they are parasites that bite and feed on human and domestic animal blood. These bites result in red, itchy patches that resemble small mosquito bites.  

Bed bugs are incredibly resilient, making them challenging to eradicate. They cling from host to host and are easily transferrable between humans, clothing, luggage, and within the fabric seating of vehicles. Taxis, buses, and airplanes are common hiding places as they wait to find their next host.

Bed bugs can survive for up to one year without feeding. They are nocturnal, and most people who experience bed bug bites do not feel them while sleeping, but typically later, they realize they’ve been bitten. The most common signs of bed bugs include unexplained bites on your body or tiny blood trails on bedsheets or along mattress seams.

Adult bed bugs are visible to the human eye, about the size of a flattened apple seed. They have oval-shaped bodies and are a rusty-brown color.

How to Check for Bed Bugs:

  • Examine your clothing and luggage regularly to catch and prevent a bed bug infestation.
  • Inspect your room as soon as you arrive, placing your luggage on the tiled bathroom floor or in the bathtub until you are confident all is clear. Use a flashlight to inspect the four corners of the mattress, box spring, and bed seams by carefully removing the sheets and the mattress pad. Inspect the edges and cracks, and check around and behind the headboard.
  • Also, check the luggage rack and valet trolley. Inspect the furniture around the bed, including the cracks and crevices of the nightstand. Inspect behind pictures hanging on the wall, and pay special attention to the seams on upholstered furniture.
  • If you find evidence of bed bugs in your room, notify hotel staff immediately, so they can investigate. Do not stay in a room with visible bed bugs. Ask for a replacement room – not near where you found the infestation.
  • Once home, check for bugs within your luggage. Wash clothes and place all dryer-safe clothing from your luggage in the dryer for 30-45 minutes at the highest setting. If you can’t launder as recommended, place the items in a seal-tight plastic bag for several days, or placing items in a freezer will work too. Also, vacuum the inside and outside of your luggage and the fabric in your vehicle.  

Pest Management Solutions for Bed Bugs:

Hotels have a responsibility to their guests to provide safe and comfortable sleeping environments and protect them from certain dangers, such as a bed bug infestation. If a guest reports a pest problem, staff should take immediate action to remedy the situation like transferring them to another room and calling a professional pest specialist for removal.

At Northern Pest, we consider the severity of the bed bug infestation and the environment they thrive in to determine the best method for successful extermination. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate, so we use a unique treatment with specialized products and habitat modifications to eliminate them. Our all-natural application agent is deadly to bed bugs and destroys their eggs, yet is harmless to humans.

Place your business or home in professional hands that you can trust with a qualified and efficient pest control agency like Northern Pest. We assure to work quickly and discreetly to handle your bed bug problem. All services are confidential; call to schedule an inspection and estimate today.


Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: